Youth Apps - Medinfi - Doctors Near You
Medinfi Beta Version offers genuine and verified information on nearest doctors and hospitals by automatically detecting the current user location. Users can also manually select some other location and find out doctors and hospitals near them. It allows users to seek feedback from their Whatsapp friends and make an informed choice. Medinfi does not earn commission from doctors or hospitals through appointment bookings or any other services. You can always trust Medinfi while choosing the doctors and hospitals for your regular check-ups.
Medinfi has been installed by 1000+ users and has an average rating of 4.4 in Google Play Store.
Medinfi occupies 18.92 MB of your device storage, however apps can be moved to an SD card. Medinfi can be installed on any android device running version 2.2 and above.
As per Medinfi it uses multiple audit mechanisms in place to show only verified and genuine information to its users. Application users can call the doctors and hospitals from the mobile apps, Medinfi does not have any revenue tie-ups with either doctors or hospitals and thereby does not book appointments.
Website | Play Store
Website | Play Store