bluespots - Discover. Friends. Around You.
bluespots allows you to discover your friends around you. If your friends, are using bluespots application you will be able to discover them and so will they discover you. bluespots has been installed by 100+ users and has an average rating of 4.8 in Google Play Store.
bluespots occupies 25.51MB of your device storage and can be installed on any android device running version 4.0.3 and above.
bluespots provides real time location updates, distance and direction, for your discovered friends. Its simple map based UI make it easier to locate who is around you. bluespots can discover and notify you even it is in background.
You can send directions to your friends. With turn-by-turn directions, you friends can follow you where you go. Using bluespots easy connect, you can make a call, send message or connect with your friends on WhatsApp.
bluespots Website | Download bluespots apps
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