So I made a post about how to get a voxbox but I got alot of emails asking about how to get a Bzzagent campaign! I am also a bzzagent member (Its free to Join)! I know how to get alot of things from free; from alot of other companies. So I feel like I can share some really good tips since I have ALOT of experince getting boxes and products for free. I currently have 3 Campaigns going on right now with! heres a pic:

Bzzagent is another company like Influenster. Like I said before its Free to join! It gives out free products for Testing/Review purposes only. Thats the Catch! You receive products but you MUST leave a Review, And take at least one mandatory survey of your experience/opinion. They want you to share with friends and get as much exposure as they can on these products! There are different things these companies ask for you to do. You have "Tasks" to fulfill, such as:
- Write a Review on company website.
- Write a Blog post explaining your experience.
- Post on Facebook
- Post on Instagram
- Post on Pinterest / Create a Board of Product
- Create a unboxing/review Video on youtube.
- etc.
So lets begin, with a few tips I have to share. After you sign up be sure to completely and I mean COMPLETELY fill out your profile! Add a profile pic, fill out your Bio, complete your Surveys!! Before any bzzagent campaign, they survey you to make sure that you receive the right products. Example: IF you have sensitive skin, its good to take a survey on your skin type so Bzzagent sends you the lotion for YOUR specific skin type. Or maybe you might be allergic to something its good to let Bzzagent know, and they are aware of what they will be sending you. SO make sure you fill out ALL the surveys till there is none left. They usually keep adding surveys Daily/weekly. This also shows how active you are with Bzzagent. If you want to get a Bzzagent Campaign THE BEST way to get one is being active. STAY ACTIVE. THIS EFFECTS YOUR BZZAGENT SCORE TREMENDOUSLY!!!! Your BzzScore goes up and down!
Stay active. Always visit at least 3-4 times a week. I always visit Daily to see if there are any new surveys to complete, so you can unlock more Campaigns. Especially If I have a Bzzagent Campaign in progress Im in there every day like Its Facebook. haha. When you finish your surveys, and completing your profile you will then need to Link ALL your social media sites to Bzzagent. This will also boost your "Bzz Score".
Bzzagent Says:
"A BzzScore is a reflection of your level of participation as a BzzAgent within the last 365 days. It takes into account your campaign activities, surveys and how socially connected and influential youve been and it can (and will) go up and down. The more quality activities you complete in a campaign, the higher your BzzScore will be. Theres no need to sweat little fluctuations, though the only way to floor your score is to do nothing in a BzzCampaign, so just be sure to complete at least three activities in any campaign you join."
Heres some of my Achievements:

So there are a few things you can do to improve your Bzzscore... Just some Advice:
- The more you Put into your Campaigns the more you get back.
- Always complete your surveys
- Engage in conversation with Friends,
- Ask questions, answer, tweet, share info about the products.
- Be sure to complete AT LEAST 3 activities when entering campaigns
Now, Lets talk about the actual Bzzagent Campaign once youre In!!!
As soon as you receive it in the mail, Log into & confirm you received the package. Take some selfies with the product, If you can film a video of you unboxing it! & start tweeting or posting that you got it! Then review it & complete the Tasks required! You will then be on your way to Receiving more products! Remember that it takes time, && just like anything the time you put in is what you will get back! Its definetly worth it if you love free products!
So lets review:
- Join Bzzagent!
- Complete Profile (Pic, Bio, Info.)
- Complete Surveys (Unlock Achievements Immediately.)
- Write Reviews
Click here to Join Bzzagent & Get Started!!!
I hope this helped! Take care & stay tuned for more free stuff!