The content I share has value?
Yes, as a user on social media platforms, your content and interactions are valuable. On ts?, you will get paid for your content. Half of your earned revenue is in the form of royalties generated by the content you post. Sharing content on ts? is as simple as any other social platform. Sign up, post your status, photos, or videos to your page, and engage with your friends as little or as often as youd like.
My network has value?
Yes, your network is also valuable. The other half of your earned revenue on ts? comes from the growth and activity of your personal social network. One third of all users content-generated revenue is passed up to the person that directly invited them to join ts?. A third of the remaining shared revenue will then go to the person that invited that user, and so on. The generations of users in your personal network are a part of what we call your Family Tree. To learn more about the algorithm that tsu uses to distribute network value, visit: What is the tsu Algorithm?
Read Previously: How Ts? Works and How to Join Ts? ?