Hello Guys! At least I describe you SEO (Search Engine Optimization). SEO is very basic thing for your Blog and Website and SEO have importance. I have been working on blog Blogger.com for near about one year. Every person that have a blog which are about any thing, He/She must implement SEO on our Blog for more and more visitors and for come first in Search Engine. I always search advance and new interface SEO for my Visitors. I explain you fully New Interface SEO as gifted. I recorded Video tutorials about optimizing your blog at Blogger.com. I hope these Tutorials will be very help full for you to Optimizing your Blog.

So Now you can watch all these tutorials which are all Urdu and Hindi language, and dont just watch but you implement all these tips on your Blog.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) part#1
Settings > Search Preferences > Meta Description:
Basic SEO (Search Engine Optimization) 2014... by gettablefeatures
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) part#2
Basic Seo (Search Engine Optimization) 2014... by gettablefeatures
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Part#3
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Amazing New... by gettablefeatures
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Part#4
Remove NavBar and First Post Title in Search Engine :
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Amazing New... by gettablefeatures
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Part#5
Meta Name & Custom Robots.txt :
Click to Download Meta Name & Custom Robots.txt Code
Download-able file is MS Word Format.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Part#6
Submit Blog/Website in Google Webmaster Tool
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Part#7
Submit your Blog/Website in Bing Webmaster Tool
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Part#8
Optimize your Blog Comments, Labels, Archives etc
Must Read Amazing Increase Traffic Tool
See My Google Plus Profile and Add me As a Friend, And get my All Latest Posts and Articles.
How were these tutorials? Please share your thoughts in the comment section so that I can know about your discussion. Also you can give me a favor by sharing this article of this site with your friends.
Thanks in Advance :D

SEO Tips and Tricks For Blogger in Urdu and Hindi:
Below there are many videos which must you watch. After my fully research I may be able to publish Videos for you about SEO. And I will be updating this videos and New Blogger Interface SEO course as well. After some time blogger.com ruined our ranking and settings, but I always face all hurdles and always complete our mission. So guys keep with me and learn each and all.So Now you can watch all these tutorials which are all Urdu and Hindi language, and dont just watch but you implement all these tips on your Blog.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) part#1
Settings > Search Preferences > Meta Description:
Basic SEO (Search Engine Optimization) 2014... by gettablefeatures
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) part#2
Custom Robots Header Tags :
Basic Seo (Search Engine Optimization) 2014... by gettablefeatures
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Part#3
Post Headings :
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Amazing New... by gettablefeatures
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Part#4
Remove NavBar and First Post Title in Search Engine :
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Amazing New... by gettablefeatures
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Part#5
Meta Name & Custom Robots.txt :
Click to Download Meta Name & Custom Robots.txt Code
Download-able file is MS Word Format.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Part#6
Submit Blog/Website in Google Webmaster Tool
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Part#7
Submit your Blog/Website in Bing Webmaster Tool
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Part#8
Optimize your Blog Comments, Labels, Archives etc
Must Read Amazing Increase Traffic Tool
See My Google Plus Profile and Add me As a Friend, And get my All Latest Posts and Articles.
How were these tutorials? Please share your thoughts in the comment section so that I can know about your discussion. Also you can give me a favor by sharing this article of this site with your friends.
Thanks in Advance :D