Caress® Forever Collection Body Wash

So I recently Received these products in the mail from influenster! I was really excited to try them out! I have used caress before but I never tried this particular collection! I was REALLY impressed with fragrance! It does last long and smells like roses! I really loved it! I also think the packaging is super cute! I love the amount of product is given. The only thing I must say I do not like about this product is the fact that It is very pigmented! Its a blood red cream that lathers on very well however I have a White tub, and it kinda leaves a stain-ish. I had to scrub my tub to get the red out! I did not like that at all. It got all over my Shower curtains and left little red marks until washed out thoroughly. So I really do love this product I just didnt like the color of it, & how strong of a pigment it contains.
Other then that, I do recommend this to a friend who loves fragrance body washes for a Great price!
Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for more reviews!